Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm still alive... barely.

Okay, so I'm exaggerating a little bit. I've been preparing a unit on Tall Tales for my reading group for the next few weeks so I'm big on exaggeration right now.

Last week, Riley got sick with a bad cold... then Cooper got it (and is still really struggling with it), then Rick. Now, it seems to have settled itself into my run-down, overworked body. Perfect timing.

The kids in my class are great and starting this week I'll be given a lot more responsibility in running the ins and outs of the day, including the read aloud which I'm most excited about! The hard part is leaving my own little ones every morning and not returning home until 4:30pm everyday... when we precede to cook and eat dinner, get a little bit of time with the kids before putting them down for bed and then try and stay awake for some work or TV time. Right now we're enjoying the second night of the 24 premiere!!

This 3-day weekend, we managed to clean most of the house, organize a few more spaces, run some errands, get some work done on my Work Sample, fit in a date night to see Avatar, and spend some time with the kids coloring, playing Play-Doh, Legos, and Mr. Potato Head. Fun times.

Tomorrow morning, it's back to the craziness... back to missing the kids, teaching young minds, and trying to keep my head above water. I actually told Rick in the car today that I'll be surprised if I make it through my student teaching experience without suffering some sort of a breakdown... I'm pretty sure I had a mini one today. :)

And have I mentioned lately what an amazing husband I have? He thoroughly cleaned the kitchen floors this weekend, played with the kids while I worked Saturday morning around the house, Sunday afternoon while I went to get schoolwork done and this afternoon while I took a little recovery nap. He even went to Costco for me. Like I said, amazing. I'm a lucky woman.

Now if he could just write my work sample for me... hmm... :)

I promise... more pictures and stories of the kids are on the horizon. I realized today we've hardly taken any photos of them in the past several weeks, so we're going to be more intentional about it in the weeks to come. We have some big birthdays and other family milestones coming up in February and March, so that will give me plenty to blog about... if I can find the time. Who decided days should only contain 24 hours anyway?


David said...

i've got to respond to your comment on lisa's post. your husband doesn't watch musicals?!!?

tell him he's missing out on some of the best movies.

here's some ideas for ones to watch that might get him started on liking them: the sound of music, an american in paris, the umbrellas of cherbourg, moulin rouge, oliver, mary poppins.

hope this helps! lol :)

good luck with the teaching.

Lisa said...

I'm glad you're still alive. I can not imagine going from the flexible schedules we've had/have to any regular M-F gig. I said I'd go for a school nurse job, but not until the kids are in school with me. Plus school work and lesson plans on top of it all!? No wonder you had a mini-crisis.
My Jiminy Cricket, Dori the Fish would tell you, "Just keep swimming" and all will be fine in the end!

Lisa Christine said...

Oh my goodness, you are busy! I'm exhausted just reading about your schedule!