Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Paper Toss

There's an App for the iPhone called Paper Toss.

I let Tyson play it on my cell phone Sunday afternoon and Riley quickly wanted in on the action, too, so she got Rick's phone.

This was the scene...

Looks like we have a new use for our two old iPhones that have been gathering dust since we upgraded to the 3GS... They won't be able to make calls, but is 3 & 4 too young for an iPhone? :)


Lisa said...

LOL! Lindsey would argue that 17 months old is the perfect age for an iPhone! Josh just traded in his 5th model of Blackberry for an iPhone - one for each of our girls! =)

Lisa said...

you could probably sell those phones and make a small fortune, ya know?

Heidi D said...

I have the same scene at my house everyday, but they each have a DSlite in their hands. I think it's a preview of the future.

Lisa Christine said...

LOL....my girls LOVE the paper toss game! Do I dare admit that they play it during church???

rebeccaln said...

I love paper toss. I will have to challenge them to a contest!