Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Our 4th of July

As I wrote in my last post (a million years ago!), Rick woke up sick on the 4th with the flu, so I packed up the kids and went to the Happy Valley Park 4th celebration to volunteer with our church. I worked with our friends Jeff and Erin putting temporary tattoos on little kids for 2 hours and Riley worked as my helper, throwing away all the pieces of garbage. We worked from noon to 2pm and the kids fell asleep on the way home, giving me a chance to rest a little with Rick too. He started to feel a little better by the evening, so we were able to go back to the park to enjoy the live music and fireworks with our friends the Langley's and their two kids, Kylee and Hayden. The music was great and the kids had a blast running around the park and playing with glo bracelets and necklaces. The fireworks lasted about 20 minutes, which was impressive for such a small community event.

Here are the kids sitting so well in the stroller, while mommy worked. Well, Tyson did. Riley lasted about 10 minutes and then wanted out to help! They were both my guinea pigs for the temporary tattoos, each getting one on their arms.

Tyson had a blast playing at the park with his glo-bracelet and dancing to the music. He also did his fair share of wandering off though!

Here's a cute picture of Rachael and Hayden, enjoying the evening with us!

Riley also enjoyed the glo-bracelet and playing with Kylee.

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