Friday, March 28, 2008

Tyson's big injury

OK, so it wasn't THAT big, but it seemed pretty big at the time. We had been at my dad's for about an hour on Easter night and Tyson was playing on the one step between the family room and the tile entry floor. He was making his way up the step and his hands slipped, causing him to take a header into the tile floor! Before I could even make it to him, he was dripping blood onto the tile floor and crying hysterically. Between the blood and Tyson's panicked cry, Riley also started freaking out, making the whole situation seem even more chaotic! Looking back on it, Tyson did pretty well and I think Rick and I handled it well too! On the drive back to my mom's that night, Riley kept saying over and over, "Titan hurt ip. Titan ouwie ip." She was so concerned for him, it was cute! Here is a before and after picture from the big event...

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