Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Day of School- Part 2

And now we officially have a kindergartener!!

Tyson was a little nervous to ride the bus this morning, but big sister was there to help out. They came off the bus holding hands, and they blew each other kisses when saying goodbye at the classroom door... a wonderful sight for this mom! I know he'll be in good hands tomorrow when I'm not there to meet the bus. :)

They were both good sports as I took a few pictures in front of the school. 

Tyson found his name on the table and settled right in next to a friend from preschool. So proud of him! I was anticipating a tough goodbye (on his end), so last night we role-played appropriate and inappropriate goodbyes- complete with me pretending to be Tyson, while he played me, and I clung to him begging not to leave. He got a kick out of it, and our goodbye in classroom was perfect! :)

Last night, Tyson and I also filled out a questionnaire from his teacher, and I have to share some of his answers here so I don't forget them! 

1. What are some things you are interested in learning about?
Tyson: You know the controls at the front of cars? I would like to know how they talk to the engine to make it go. 
T: Spiders. I would like to know how spiders use their fingers to make webs.
T: I would like to learn how to read a chapter book all by myself. 

2. What questions to you have for your teacher?
T: Where are all of the things in the gym?
T: How do I get friends to play with me?

3. Is there anything else you would like your teacher to know?
T: That I am nervous to talk to Mrs. Green because it will be my first time.
T: I would like Mrs. Green to know that I love Disneyland. 
(This last anwer cracks me up and deserves a post of its own!) :)

I'll end this post with some fun pictures of all three kids this morning...

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