Tuesday, May 11, 2010

300 and Mr. Cooper

I have actually made it to the 300 mark in blog posts- Crazy!!
(With hopefully many more to come!)

Cooper had his 18 month well-child check-up this morning, and I am happy to report that he is growing and developing well! I'm still a little in shock that our "baby" is 18 months old already. I had Cooper about 3 weeks into my Master's program and actually brought him to class with me for almost 4 months, so it seem like time is flying by now that I have graduated from the program and Cooper is more toddler than baby.

Although Cooper is not nearly as verbal as his big brother and sister were at his age, he is slowly picking up new words and definitely finding ways to communicate with us! One of his recent favorite things to do is go and get his shoes and jacket when anyone mentions going bye-bye. He pretty much wears his Crocs all day long, in hopes that someone will take him somewhere! Yesterday he brought me a diaper and the wipes from the closet- turns out he was definitely in need of a diaper change! I love watching him interact with Riley and Tyson, and I'm looking forward to the vocabulary explosion that I think is just around the corner!

The stats:

Height: 34 inches or 2ft, 10in (90%)
Weight: 27 pounds (64%)
Head circumference: 19.25 inches (79%)

Here is a recent picture of our little guy, he was playing pirate dress-up with his big brother!

Cooper wore the hat and belt, while Tyson wore the shirt, pants, and played with the telescope and sword (with the explicit promise NOT to point it at anyone!). :)

1 comment:

Lisa Joy said...

Wow, looking at Cooper's weight really puts things in perspective...Maddie is 3.5 years old and only weighs 28-29 pounds! I know they slow down gaining weight at a certain point, but sheesh! Cooper's going to overtake her in no time. :-)